![关于KASA.BENE/凯撒.宾尼品牌产品的本身 关于KASA.BENE/凯撒.宾尼品牌产品的本身]()
凯撒.宾尼系列产品均以木质为基础材料,成功整合经典外观与电子技术。产品应不同市场的需求,以白腊木、橡木、花梨木或进口HDF专业级音响板材,加贴原木皮等材料结合纯手工制作而成。从根本上摒弃了现代音响的工业化质感,让音响得以无穷的艺术化造型呈现。纯天然、无毒、环保、可世代传承的材质也更符合现当今消费者的需求,给人以自然、温暖的亲切感受。电子音响部分均采用德国、台湾等多个名厂的元器件而生产,充分保证了产品的高素质、高品格。功能方面整合了历史上各个时期的播放设备, 从最早的黑胶唱盘、收音机,到现在的CD、USB、蓝牙等多种播放设备。外观取各时代之神韵,以古为形,兼顾现代人的审美需求, 重新演绎设计出独具壹格,并附合现代人消费习性的风格作品。诸如:中式、洛可可、巴洛克、田园、地中海,简欧, 新古典家具等等的经典造型, 充分的迎合了不同文化背景与不同欣赏品味的各层次消费群体。产品不仅经济实用性非常强,而且用料考究可传承,外观的装饰艺术也是其核心价值所在,是真正集实用价值、收藏价值、装饰价值和艺术价值于壹体的家居精品。
Kasa.Bene series products are wood based materials, the successful integration of the classic appearance and electronic technology. The product should be the different needs of the market, with ash wood, rubber wood, birch, rosewood or import environmental protection HDF, add log leather and other materials combined with pure Handmade into. Fundamentally abandoned modern audio industrial texture, make sound to artistic presentation of the infinite. Pure natural, non-toxic, environmental protection, and can be inherited from generation to generation material is more in line with the current consumer demand, to give natural, warm feelings. Audio electronic component are made of American, Taiwan and other several plant components and production, and fully guarantee the product quality, high quality. The function integration of broadcast equipment on various periods of history, from vinyl records, the earliest radio, now CD, USB ,Blue-tooth and other playback equipment. Appearance and charm each time, to the ancient form, the aesthetic needs of modern people, re interpretation of a unique design, with the modern consumption habits of style. Such as: Chinese style, Rococo, Baroque, pastoral, Mediterranean, Jane, the new classical furniture, classic style, fully meet the different cultural background and different tastes of different levels of consumer groups. The products are not only economic practicality is very strong, and sophisticated materials can be inherited, Art Deco appearance is the core value, is the real practical value, the collection value set, ornamental value and artistic value in one of the Home Furnishing boutique.